====== Fedora Generic Search Service Version HEAD (2.8) ====== \\ apt-get install ant nano -w /usr/local/fedora/server/config/fedora-users.xml administrator git clone https://github.com/fcrepo3/gsearch.git cd gsearch/FedoraGenericSearch ant buildfromsource cd ~ cp -v gsearch/FgsBuild/fromsource/fedoragsearch.war /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps chown tomcat7:tomcat7 /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/fedoragsearch.war cp -R /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/fedoragsearch/FgsConfig ./ cd FgsConfig/ ant generateIndexingXslt cp fgsconfig-basic-for-islandora.properties fgsconfig-basic-for-islandora.properties.ORI nano -w fgsconfig-basic-for-islandora.properties # file.name=fgsconfig-basic-for-islandora.properties # This is a version of fgsconfig-basic.properties tailored for islandora # These properties are used by running from command line: # >ant -f fgsconfig-basic.xml -Dlocal.FEDORA_HOME=$FEDORA_HOME -propertyfile fgsconfig-basic-for-islandora.properties # Be sure you have permissions to write to finalConfigPath. # You must tailor the lines between #>>>>>>>>>> and #<<<<<<<<<< # configDisplayName is displayed on the admin pages, so you know, which set of config files is in action. # configDisplayName is also used as directory name of the config within the FgsConfigTemplate directory. configDisplayName=configForIslandora # gsearchBase is used for SOAP deployment. gsearchBase=http://smrepo.to.cnr.it:8080 # gsearchAppName is used for SOAP deployment. gsearchAppName=fedoragsearch # gsearchUser is used for SOAP deployment. gsearchUser=fgsAdmin # gsearchPass is used for SOAP deployment. #>>>>>>>>>> gsearchPass=**** #<<<<<<<<<< # finalConfigPath must be in the classpath of the web server, must be an absolute path. #>>>>>>>>>> #finalConfigPath=${local.FEDORA_HOME}/tomcat/webapps/fedoragsearch/WEB-INF/classes finalConfigPath=/var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/fedoragsearch/WEB-INF/classes #<<<<<<<<<< # At startup, GSearch will find the file log4j.xml in tomcat classpath. # logFilePath is where to find the log file. logFilePath=${local.FEDORA_HOME}/server/logs # logLevel can be DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL. logLevel=DEBUG # namesOfRepositories separated by space. namesOfRepositories=FgsRepos # namesOfIndexes separated by space. namesOfIndexes=FgsIndex # Assuming there is one repository: # fedoraBase is base url of the repository. #>>>>>>>>>> fedoraBase=http://smrepo.to.cnr.it:8080 #<<<<<<<<<< # fedoraAppName is Fedora app name of this repository. fedoraAppName=fedora # fedoraUser is the user name to access this repository. fedoraUser=fedoraAdmin # fedoraPass is the password to access this repository. #>>>>>>>>>> fedoraPass=**** #<<<<<<<<<< # fedoraVersion is the Fedora version of this repository. fedoraVersion=3.8.1 #objectStoreBase must be the location of the objects of this repository. #>>>>>>>>>> objectStoreBase=/srv/data/objectStore #<<<<<<<<<< #Assuming there is one index: # indexEngine is Lucene, Solr, or Zebra. indexEngine=Solr # FgsIndex: indexBase is the server base url, in case of Solr or Zebra. indexBase=http://smrepo.to.cnr.it:8080/solr/islandora # FgsIndex: indexDir is the path to the index. indexDir=/srv/solr/data/index # FgsIndex: indexingDocXslt is the name of the indexing stylesheet. indexingDocXslt=foxmlToSolr nano -w FgsConfigReposTemplate/repositoryInfo.xml FABB repository FABB Repository for FABB project Giancarlo Birello, UIT@IRCrES giancarlo.birello@ircres.cnr.it nano -w FgsConfigIndexTemplate/Solr/indexInfo.xml (nothing TODO) The contents of this page is just an example, you may edit it in indexInfo.xml, and it is displayed by the getIndexInfo operation with the adminGetIndexInfoToHtml.xslt stylesheet. INDEXNAME INDEXNAME index on Solr http://lucene.apache.org/ Solr Apache Lucene project The Apache Solr project develops open-source search software. solr lucene apache open-source search software http://solr.apache.org/solr_green_300.gif See e.g. http://lucene.apache.org/java/docs/queryparsersyntax.html dc.title:fedora AND dc.creator:"thornton staples" PID, repositoryName,
property.label, property.contentModel, property.createdDate,
property.lastModifiedDate, property.state, property.type,
dc.creator, dc.date, dc.description, dc.format, dc.identifier,
dc.publisher, dc.relations, dc.right, dc.source,
dc.subject, dc.title,
others depending on the indexing stylesheet.
Apache Lucene Solr project info@lucene.apache.org/solr The Apache Lucene Solr project © 2005, The Apache Lucene Solr project, All Rights Reserved
export FEDORA_HOME=/usr/local/fedora ant -f fgsconfig-basic.xml -Dlocal.FEDORA_HOME=$FEDORA_HOME -propertyfile fgsconfig-basic-for-islandora.properties Buildfile: /home/giancarlo/FgsConfig/fgsconfig-basic.xml configFgsBasic: configFgsRoot: [mkdir] Created dir: /home/giancarlo/FgsConfig/configForIslandora/fgsconfigFinal [copy] Copying 22 files to /home/giancarlo/FgsConfig/configForIslandora/fgsconfigFinal [copy] Copying 1 file to /home/giancarlo/FgsConfig/configForIslandora configFgsRepos: [mkdir] Created dir: /home/giancarlo/FgsConfig/configForIslandora/fgsconfigFinal/repository/FgsRepos [copy] Copying 3 files to /home/giancarlo/FgsConfig/configForIslandora/fgsconfigFinal/repository/FgsRepos configFgsIndex: [mkdir] Created dir: /home/giancarlo/FgsConfig/configForIslandora/fgsconfigFinal/index/FgsIndex [copy] Copying 23 files to /home/giancarlo/FgsConfig/configForIslandora/fgsconfigFinal/index/FgsIndex [copy] Copying 1 file to /home/giancarlo/FgsConfig [copy] Copying 1 file to /home/giancarlo/FgsConfig/configForIslandora/fgsconfigFinal [mkdir] Created dir: /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/fedoragsearch/WEB-INF/classes/fgsconfigFinal [copy] Copying 49 files to /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/fedoragsearch/WEB-INF/classes/fgsconfigFinal [copy] Copying 1 file to /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/fedoragsearch/WEB-INF/classes BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 0 seconds cd /usr/local/solr/islandora/conf/ cp /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/fedoragsearch/WEB-INF/classes/fgsconfigFinal/index/FgsIndex/conf/schema-4.6.1-for-fgs-2.8.xml ./ mv schema.xml schema.xml.ORI cp schema-4.6.1-for-fgs-2.8.xml schema.xml chown tomcat7:tomcat7 schema.xml nano -w schema.xml + + git clone https://github.com/discoverygarden/basic-solr-config.git cd basic-solr-config git checkout 4.x cd islandora_transforms sed -i 's#/usr/local/fedora/tomcat#/var/lib/tomcat7#g' ./*xslt cd /usr/local/solr/islandora/conf mv schema.xml schema.xml.MIO mv solrconfig.xml solrconfig.xml.ORI mv stopwords.txt stopwords.txt.ORI cp -v ~/basic-solr-config/conf/* ./ chown -hR tomcat7:tomcat7 /usr/local/solr **Stopwords** \\ Edit /usr/local/solr/islandora/conf/schema.xml for Italian language: ... ... nano -w /usr/local/solr/islandora/conf/wdfftypes.txt # A customized type mapping for WordDelimiterFilterFactory # the allowable types are: LOWER, UPPER, ALPHA, DIGIT, ALPHANUM, SUBWORD_DELIM # # the default for any character without a mapping is always computed from # Unicode character properties ###' => SUBWORD_DELIM - => ALPHA We need right foxmlToSolr.xslt to index every fields for Islandora modules. cp -Rv basic-solr-config/islandora_transforms /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/fedoragsearch/WEB-INF/classes/fgsconfigFinal/index/FgsIndex/ cd /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/fedoragsearch/WEB-INF/classes/fgsconfigFinal/index/FgsIndex/ cp foxmlToSolr.xslt foxmlToSolr.xslt.ORI cp ~/basic-solr-config/foxmlToSolr.xslt ./ nano -w foxmlToSolr.xslt adjust full path to islandora_transforms apt-get install maven cd ~ git clone git://github.com/discoverygarden/dgi_gsearch_extensions cd dgi_gsearch_extensions/ mvn package cp target/gsearch_extensions-0.1.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/fedoragsearch/WEB-INF/lib/ nano -w /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/fedoragsearch/WEB-INF/classes/fgsconfigFinal/index/FgsIndex/index.properties -fgsindex.operationsImpl = dk.defxws.fgssolr.OperationsImpl +fgsindex.operationsImpl = dk.defxws.fgssolrremote.OperationsImpl -fgsindex.indexDir = /srv/solr/data/index +fgsindex.indexDir = NOT_USED chown -hR tomcat7:tomcat7 /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/fedoragsearch service tomcat7 restart \\ \\