====== Oral histories (Many thanks Lingling!) ====== Many thanks Lingling! [[https://github.com/digitalutsc/islandora_solution_pack_oralhistories|GitHUB]] \\ * **Transcripts UI** cd ~/github git clone git://github.com/sprklinginfo/transcripts_ui mv transcripts_ui /var/www/fabb.to.cnr.it/sites/all/modules/ cd /var/www/fabb.to.cnr.it/ drush en transcripts_ui Browse to admin/config/user-interface/transcripts: - Tiers = or_transcript|Transcript - Speaker names = or_speaker|Speaker \\ * **Oral Histories Solution Pack** cd ~/github git clone git://github.com/digitalutsc/islandora_solution_pack_oralhistories mv islandora_solution_pack_oralhistories /var/www/fabb.to.cnr.it/sites/all/modules/ cd /var/www/fabb.to.cnr.it/ drush -u 1 en islandora_oralhistories Browse to admin/islandora/solution_pack_config/solution_packs: - check all required objects are ingested \\ Browse to admin/islandora/solution_pack_config/oralhistories: - Create WEBVTT file for captions or subtitles. = YES - Enable captions/subtitles display = YES - Enable transcript display = YES - Display media and transcript side-by-side = NO - Display annotation tab = NO \\ * **Oral Histories Solr indexing** On back-end server: cd /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/fedoragsearch/WEB-INF/classes/fgsconfigFinal/index/FgsIndex/islandora_transforms wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/digitalutsc/islandora_solution_pack_oralhistories/master/xsl/or_transcript_solr.xslt chown tomcat7:tomcat7 or_transcript_solr.xslt cd .. cp foxmlToSolr.xslt foxmlToSolr.xslt.OK nano -w foxmlToSolr.xslt + cd /usr/local/solr/islandora/conf/ cp schema.xml schema.xml.OK nano -w schema.xml + service tomcat7 restart **NOTE** \\ We use a modified version of or_transcript_solr.xslt to index transcription text as full-text. \\ or_